Duncan Needham is Dean and Senior Tutor of Darwin College, Director of the Centre for Financial History, and Associate Lecturer at the Faculty of History (all at the University of Cambridge).
After completing his first degree at the LSE, Duncan worked at Credit Suisse Financial Products and JP Morgan, where he ran the banks and financials desk. He then ran Cairn Capital’s Investment Grade Collateralized Debt Obligation business, before returning to academia in 2008. His research focuses on British and European monetary and financial history, mostly of the twentieth century. He is the author of Monetary Policy from Devaluation to Thatcher, 1967-1982 (Palgrave, 2014), for which he won the Economic History Society’s Thirsk-Feinstein prize, and co-editor of Expansionary Fiscal Contraction: the Thatcher Government’s 1981 Budget in Perspective (Cambridge University Press, 2014).
Duncan is also the convenor of the History & Policy seminar series at HM Treasury.