1. Aims and Objectives
1.1. History & Policy (H&P) publishes high quality historical research freely accessible online and creates opportunities for historians, policy makers and journalists to connect.
1.2. Its objective is to demonstrate the relevance of history to contemporary policy making and to increase the influence of historical research over current policy and to advise and assist historians wanting to engage more effectively with policy makers and media.
1.3. H&P’s Trade Union Forum brings together trade unionists with professional historians, the media and other interested groups. The aims of the Forum are to consider trade union issues against their historical background, exploring different perspectives on the past and the present in order to suggest new lines of policy for the future. The Forum is an inclusive group aiming to bring together a broad and diverse membership with shared interests.
1.4. To explore a fresh look at the union/labour movement’s long history and aim to supply some new thinking. To work with unions on projects they consider would benefit from a historical perspective.
2. Membership
2.1. Founder Members
The Forum has a number of Founder Members who are available to act as advisors for the academic and intellectual content of the work of the Forum in accordance with the standards established by H&P.
2.2. Members
2.2.1. Membership is open to academics, trade unionists and journalists and members of the public who share an interest in policy, past and present, related to trade union issues. Members will be encouraged to play an active role in the Forum on a regular basis and be prepared to participate in meetings convened during each year.
2.2.3. Members are entitled to attend all general meetings of the forum.
2.3. Management Committee
2.3.1. The Forum shall be governed by a Management Committee which shall consist of up to 7 members. The Committee shall elect a Chair from within the Committee on an annual basis. The Committee shall be assisted by the Public Affairs Manager of H&P or a forum intern.
2.3.2. The Committee shall meet at least 4 times a year and as otherwise determined by the Committee. Minutes of each meeting will be prepared and circulated to all members of the Committee.
2.3.3. The Committee’s powers and responsibilities are as follows:
a) To progress the aims of the Trade Union Forum as set out in 1.2
b) Responsible for the development and organisation of the Forum’s annual programme of work
c) The authority to determine, in consultation with the members, a payment and charging policy for membership and events
d) To explore, as appropriate, funding and sponsorship opportunities to assist with its programme of work
e) To ensure publication of policy papers, opinion papers and other materials meet the required standard of H&P
f) To encourage membership of the Forum and to actively promote engagement with the Forum
g) The power to co-opt additional members to the Committee to advise on specific projects
3. Forum Meetings
3.1. The Forum shall meet for the purposes of discussion and debate at least three times a year to which all members shall be invited. These may include public meetings, see 3.4 below.
3.2. The location, time and venue for such meetings shall be determined by the Management Committee.
3.3. As far as is practicable notice of such meetings shall be publicised at least two months in advance.
3.4. On occasions the Forum will convene public meetings which will seek to engage with a wider audience. The Management Committee will determine charges, if any, to be made for attendance at public meetings for members and non-members.
4. Amendments to the Constitution and Dissolution
4.1. Changes or amendments to this constitution shall be determined by the Management Committee, in consultation with the members.
4.2. Should it be determined by the Management Committee that the Forum is no longer able to actively pursue its aims and objectives, a meeting will be convened to which all members shall be invited and consideration given to a proposal to dissolve the Forum.