Opinion Articles

H&P encourages historians to use their expertise to shed light on issues of the day. If you are interested in submitting an opinion piece for publication, please see our editorial guidelines. We currently have 335 Opinion Articles listed by date and they are all freely searchable by theme, author or keyword.

Covid-19, mutual aid and the impact of history

Bernard Harris explores the perceived decline in mutual social obligation and civic bonds in the UK and suggests that, real or not, it may have shaped Covid-19 response planning. Perceptions of history can affect calculations where lives hang in the balance.

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Fixing loneliness – a pre-pandemic problem

Loneliness is discussed as a key effect of the pandemic, but David Vincent points out that the problem pre-dates Covid-19 and there is little evidence yet that the crisis has made things worse

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School meals and child welfare in times of crisis: the past and future of welfare policy

Marcus Rashford's intervention prompted a government u-turn on providing free school meals over the summer – Bernard Harris explores how previous crisis moments have led to the expansion of the school meal programme, and of welfare more generally.

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Covid-19 is not a Black Swan: predictable shocks need fully-funded, resilient public services

In a globalised world, new pathogens made their way to Britain and killed thousands, while a social security system depleted for ideological motives failed to cope. Not today, but the 1830s and 1840s, says Simon Szreter.

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‘Incentivising an ethical economics’. Winning Entry for the IPPR Economics Prize 2019

Read more about H&P co-founder Prof Simon Szreter's team's prize-winning plan for a step change in the UK's economic growth

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Pubs have a role to play in the Government’s loneliness strategy

Mark Hailwood highlights the historic role of pubs within the community - arguing that the Government's loneliness strategy would benefit from the positve contributions pubs can make with regards to social interaction.

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Women Against State Pension Inequality: a distraction from deeper problems

The campaign group Women Against State Pension Inequality argue that discrimination against a generation of women has taken place. Hugh Pemberton suggests this may be a distraction from the deeper and broader problems with the pension system.

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Merging emergency services: is the Government wielding the axe on Britain’s fire and rescue service?

Government cost-cutting measures propose merging police forces and fire and rescue services. Shane Ewen looks at the historical record of such experiments.

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No glass ceiling for female officers

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Margaret Thatcher, individualism and the welfare state

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