Opinion Articles

H&P encourages historians to use their expertise to shed light on issues of the day. If you are interested in submitting an opinion piece for publication, please see our editorial guidelines. We currently have 335 Opinion Articles listed by date and they are all freely searchable by theme, author or keyword.

Winston Churchill: still newsworthy after all these years

The 50th anniversary of Winston Churchill’s death and funeral has put him in the news again. This mass of coverage reminds us that before he made history, Churchill made news, writes Professor Richard Toye, of Exeter University, who explores his journalism in an age when the media was undergoing a revolution. 

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The diplomatic glass ceiling

‘The introduction of a girl’, warned diplomat Ralph Stevenson in 1934, ‘would be a very disturbing factor and quite possibly impair the efficiency of the Chancery machine.’ Attitudes and rules have changed dramatically since the interwar years, but today women still fill only 25% of top posts in the British Diplomatic Service. Dr Helen McCarthy, of Queen Mary University of London, explores the legacy of a profession established in the nineteenth century for elite white men supported by uncomplaining spouses.

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The forgotten Benn

Professor Steven Fielding considers Benn's challenge to the Labour Party to respond to the transformations of the 1960s and galvanise a grassroots progressive politics.

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Tony Benn and the radical socialist tradition

Jad Adams explores the radical socialist tradition in which Tony Benn was firmly rooted, while Professor Steven Fielding considers Benn's challenge to the Labour Party to respond to the transformations of the 1960s and galvanise a grassroots progressive politics.

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The Commonwealth Heads of Government: a question of leadership

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The Strasbourg court is anti-democratic, just as its founders intended

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Conservative splits: lessons from history?

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‘Posh boys’ and ‘swivel-eyed loons’: Conservative leaders and grassroots unrest in perspective

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Will Thatcher’s historical legacy, like Robert Peel’s, U-turn from beyond the grave?

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Coalition governments: ‘always unpopular and seldom lasted long’?

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