Opinion Articles

H&P encourages historians to use their expertise to shed light on issues of the day. If you are interested in submitting an opinion piece for publication, please see our editorial guidelines. We currently have 335 Opinion Articles listed by date and they are all freely searchable by theme, author or keyword.

School meals and child welfare in times of crisis: the past and future of welfare policy

Marcus Rashford's intervention prompted a government u-turn on providing free school meals over the summer – Bernard Harris explores how previous crisis moments have led to the expansion of the school meal programme, and of welfare more generally.

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Protection or control? The debate over emergency contraception

Anne Hanley finds that women's sexual health choices are still subject to regulation with the moral overtones of a hundred years ago - and health outcomes may suffer as a result

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Rugby: Injury, Risk, Public Debate and History

Drawing on original archival research, Saracens F.C. club historians Colin Veitch and Tom Weir add a historical perspective to contemporary debates on injury risk in rugby.

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Kitchen sink theology for a troubled world

Dr Alana Harris examines the Pope's Amoris Laetitia and asks what these can teach us about the evolution of the Catholic Church.

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An Illegitimate Archbishop

Ann Lyon explores the historical implications of the recent revelations regarding Archbishop Justin Welby's paternity. 

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Childcare funding in times of Austerity: Historical lessons for the Childcare Bill 2015-2016

Dr Angela Davis examines funding for childcare in previous times of austerity and draws historical lessons for the Childcare Bill 2015-16

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Councils and Synods: Reforming the Catholic Church in the digital age

Dr. Alana Harris looks at the developments of the recent Synod of the Family and shows how the institution can revitalise itself to make it relevant for the Digital Age.

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‘These outrages are going on more than people know’

Concern about child sex abuse, and attempts to prevent it, have a long history, argue Dr Adrian Bingham, Dr Lucy Delap, Dr Louise Jackson and Dr Louise Settle.

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Children and notions of ‘the future’

The cliché that 'children are the future' is true. They bear the burden of society's expectations and have been used to imagine and promote adults' ideas of the future. What are the consequences for children today? 

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Teaching fathers to be ‘involved’

A new scheme to encourage fathers to become more 'involved' with their children is not new, relies on misplaced notions of a 'golden age' of stable, nuclear families, and the 'feckless' father stereotype, argue Dr Laura King and Dr Julie-Marie Strange.  

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