Opinion Articles

H&P encourages historians to use their expertise to shed light on issues of the day. If you are interested in submitting an opinion piece for publication, please see our editorial guidelines. We currently have 338 Opinion Articles listed by date and they are all freely searchable by theme, author or keyword.

Trust and referendums

Big business frequently lobbies the public during political campaigns. Matt Qvortrup looks to history to ask: does their opinion matter? 

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In or out of EU: A Maltese historical perspective on Brexit

From being the least enthusiastic country in the 2003 EU referendum Malta has become the most supportive EU member state, with both the Prime Minister and the Leader the Opposition now publicly expressing themselves against Brexit. Malta has also long had socio-economic ties with Britain and still does. The general feeling is that a Brexit would be negative for both countries. 

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The problems of prohibition: chemical weapons and the Syrian conflict

If government and / or opposition forces are found to be responsible for using chemical agents in Syria, what might this mean for international efforts at preventing chemical warfare, particularly within intra-state conflicts? Caitriona McLeish, Alex Spelling and Brian Balmer discuss with reference to the historical context of chemical and biological weapons (CBW) prohibition.

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Great Expectations: The role of education in penal reform

Will better education in prisons prevent reoffending? Rosalind Crone looks back to Victorian prison education experiments that are still influential today.

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Where Influence Lies

Prof. Jean-Pierre Morin argues historians need to become more proactive in order to overcome the challenges they face when communicating with policymakers. 

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Pro European Conservatives

Khurram Jowiya offers a potted history of the short-lived Pro-Euro Conservative Party (PECP).

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Lessons for Mr Gove from a Victorian “Reform” Prison

Dr J M Moore offers the Victorian Winson Green prison as a historical lesson for Michael Gove's prison reforms.

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Antisemitism and the British Labour Party

Marcel Stoetzler explores Labour's current antisemitism scandal through the lens of historical antisemitism in British politics.

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The British Trade Union Movement and the European Referendum: What can we learn from the past?

Prof. Philip B. Whyman compares and contrasts the role of British Trade Unions in the 1975 and 2016 European referendums. 

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Kitchen sink theology for a troubled world

Dr Alana Harris examines the Pope's Amoris Laetitia and asks what these can teach us about the evolution of the Catholic Church.

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