Opinion Articles

H&P encourages historians to use their expertise to shed light on issues of the day. If you are interested in submitting an opinion piece for publication, please see our editorial guidelines. We currently have 335 Opinion Articles listed by date and they are all freely searchable by theme, author or keyword.

Protection or control? The debate over emergency contraception

Anne Hanley finds that women's sexual health choices are still subject to regulation with the moral overtones of a hundred years ago - and health outcomes may suffer as a result

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The 2019 Election and the Media – a different kind of campaign

The December 2019 general election campaign has been like no other - partly due to the lack of scrutiny.

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Social democracy, Europe and the 2019 general election

Next week's election could be a turning point in the history of post-war social democracy, says Adrian Williamson.

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Does the Civil War really have anything to do with Brexit?

Most states have a clear "moment of creation" for their constitutions. Michael Braddick shows that the UK is the exception - and that this is key to understanding current debate.

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Where there is wine there is a way: lessons from ‘Brexit-like’ events in the medieval and early modern period

Brexit may seem unprecented, but 'Brexit-like' disruptions to trade (i.e. wars) occurred in the medieval and early modern periods. What did they mean for trade, supply and pricing?

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Boris Johnson, Brexit and electoral blowback: the perils of a late year general election

Clifford Williamson looks at the history of autumn-winter general elections, and finds they are not generally auspicious for incumbent governments.

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‘Incentivising an ethical economics’. Winning Entry for the IPPR Economics Prize 2019

Read more about H&P co-founder Prof Simon Szreter's team's prize-winning plan for a step change in the UK's economic growth

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Repatriating histories: a call for global policies on the return of human remains

Human remains were unlawfully gathered from across the world in the age of colonialism - Jeremiah J Garsha argues that museums now need to adopt policies to assist Indigenous attempts to bring their people home.

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Pubs have a role to play in the Government’s loneliness strategy

Mark Hailwood highlights the historic role of pubs within the community - arguing that the Government's loneliness strategy would benefit from the positve contributions pubs can make with regards to social interaction.

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Chlorinated chicken, the European ‘museum of farming’ and the agricultural revolution of the future

John Martin and James P. Bowen take issue with claims that a 'museum of farming' approach by the EU has constrained British agriculture - which has been strongly innovative while maintaining high welfare standards

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