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Last few places for Change conference

The Friends of the Earth-H&P conference on 3 June is almost full. Book now to discuss how and why change occurred in the past and how this knowledge can be harnessed by civil society actors today.

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Historians discuss the general election outcome

Dr Andrew Blick and Dr Michael Kandiah, of the Institute of Contemporary British History at King’s College London, discuss historical parallels to and implications of the 2015 general election.

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Schoolchildren quiz Andrew Blick

H&P's Dr Andrew Blick appeared on ITV’s The Paul O’Grady Show to answer questions from schoolchildren about politics. Dr Blick, of ICBH at King’s College London, has also written for The Conversation.

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Looking back on five years of Coalition on the eve of the 2015 election

Co-founder and Visiting Professor of the Institute of Contemporary British History Anthony Seldon assess the coalition government five years on.

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Poor law history relevant to policy makers today


H&P co-founder Professor Simon Szreter explored the mechanisms and effects of England’s poor laws over 400 years to emphasize the importance of history to policy making today. 

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Historians reflect on Piketty

In the H&P roundtable at the Economic History Society conference, historians discussed the work of French economist Thomas Piketty on capital and inequality. 

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CSaP Annual Conference 2015

The annual conference will explore opportunities for improving the way government accesses, assesses and makes use of expertise from the humanities, and offer examples of the significant contribution these disciplines have made to public policy.

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Women, peace and transnational activism: a century on

100 years after the Women’s Peace Congress in the Hague, historians, campaigners and politicians will reflect on the past, present and future of women’s transnational organising. Public events on 31 March at Queen Mary, University of London, will explore how far have feminist approaches been incorporated into international debates about security, development and human rights today. 

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Collective bargaining: past, present and future

Collective bargaining has changed and declined but it is not dead: Roger Jeary and Jim Moher report on the Trade Union Forum’s recent discussion, with Tony Burke of UNITE, Ray Ellis of CWU and Professor Melanie Simms of Leicester University.  

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Women, peace and transnational activism: a century on

On the centenary of the 1915 Women’s Peace Congress in The Hague, historians reflect on the past, present and future of women’s transnational organising. This ‘virtual roundtable’ coincides with events at the Mile End Institute, Queen Mary University of London.

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Whatever happened to collective bargaining?

This Trade Union Forum event features Tony Burke of UNITE, Ray Ellis of CWU, and Professor Melanie Simms of the University of Leicester. 

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Lord Palmerston and the ‘civis Romanus sum’ principle

For the No. 10 Guest Historian series, Professor David Brown analyses the origins, response and legacy of Foreign Secretary Lord Palmerston's 1850 defence of his contentious foreign policy. 

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H&P evidence features in Parliamentary report on Civil Service skills

Hollowing out of civil servants’ skills and loss of institutional memory threaten good governance, according to a select committee inquiry into Civil Service skills to which H&P gave evidence. 

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H&P historians contribute to Savile ‘lessons learnt’ report

The ‘lessons learnt’ report from the NHS investigations into Jimmy Savile drew on the expertise of H&P historians. 

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H&P internships for King’s students

Internships with honoraria are available this spring and autumn at H&P. Any King’s BA, MA or PhD student of history or public policy is eligible to apply. 

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H&P is based at the Institute of Historical Research, Senate House, University of London.

We are the only project in the UK providing access to an international network of more than 500 historians with a broad range of expertise. H&P offers a range of resources for historians, policy makers and journalists.

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