Unlock Democracy and History & Policy are jointly hosting an event on the role of women MPs in Parliament, taking place on 14th December 2015. It is the first in a series that will bring together practitioners and historians to discuss democratic reform issues.
The speakers are Nan Sloane, Director of the Centre for Women & Democracy, and Krista Cowman, Professor of History and Director of Research at University of Lincoln.
They will discuss the past and present experiences of women in Parliament. The event will reflect on the extent to which the presence of more female MPs in recent decades has made a notable difference to the legislative and policy agenda, and whether women have felt - and still feel - the need to justify their place at the table. It will also consider the importance of the newly-formed parliamentary Women and Equalities Committee.
Those attending will be invited to participate in these topical debates about the role of women in Parliament and more general discussions about the treatment of ‘female’ issues at Westminster.
It is hoped that this event will make a valuable contribution to ongoing concerns about gender and equality in the British political system, and illuminate any areas that still require further attention from historians, politicians, and non-government organisations.
The event will take place on Monday, December 14, 2015, 6:30pm 8:00pm, at Committee Room 8, House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA.
To register to attend, please go to:
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