
Walter Citrine: Forgotten Statesman of the Trades Union Congress: Book Launch


Recorded on 24 March 2021

The History & Policy Trade Union & Employment Forum is launching an important new biography of this former giant of the Labour movement - Walter Citrine: Forgotten Statesman of the Trades Union Congress. The author, Dr Jim Moher, a former national trade union official and now historian, will be launching it in conjunction with the Institute of Historical Research, University of London and his colleagues in the History and Policy Trade Union & Employment Forum.

Lord John Monks, a distinguished former General Secretary of the TUC (and European TUC), who has a Foreword in the book, will interview Jim about Citrine. This will be followed by questions and a general discussion with full audience participation.

Trade Unions and Employment in a Market Economy


Thursday 21 May 2020, 6pm-8pm

Andrew Brady will introduce his recent book:

Unions and Employment in a Market Economy, Strategy, Influence and Power in Contemporary Britain (Routledge 2019)

Other speakers include Sir Ian McCartney and Tom Wilson.

The Seminar was chaired by Helen Hague

Andrew Brady was awarded his PhD from the University of Strathclyde in 2017. He has held various positions within Unite the Union and is currently based in Scotland in the union’s Political, Research & Campaigns Unit.

Sir Ian McCartney was Shadow Minister, Minister of State, and Cabinet Minister 1992–2007 and led the Labour Government’s work on employment and employment rights.

Tom Wilson was Director of Unionlearn at the TUC until 2017. He has also worked for the GMB, the Labour Party as Trade Union Liaison Officer, the AUT and Natfhe (now UCU).

Helen Hague is a journalist and has recently worked on a history of the Fire Brigades Union.

Roundtable 25 March 2020 - Coronavirus and the real lessons of the Second World War.

As the Coronavirus crisis intensified and the UK locked down, a group of historians got together for an online roundtable to discuss the government's emergency response and civil defence strategy during the Second World War. From blackout regulations and public safety communications to emergency field hospitals for Blitz casualties, from the difficulties of volunteer coordination to the emergence of fire fighters as essential "grimy-faced heroes", the government of the day faced a huge range of logistical and communications challenges.

The discussion showed there are lessons to be learned from the Second World War - just not the "Blitz spirit" lessons that were often invoked in the early days of Coronavirus.

Read the Policy Paper here.


Rosemary Cresswell (Hull)
Barry Doyle (Huddersfield)
Shane Ewen (Leeds Beckett)
Henry Irving (Leeds Beckett)
Mark Roodhouse (York)
Marc Wiggan (Oslo)

Chaired by Alix Mortimer, editing by Andrew McTominey


H&P Director Dr Andrew Blick - Sky News

Dr Andrew Blick - Phoenix TV

Dr. Andrew Blick appeared on the Chinese television channel Phoenix TV to and gave an interview on Brexit and the independent group.

Page 8 of 13 pages

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