We have held regular seminars with HM Treasury, the Home Office, the Department for Transport and the Department for Education amongst others.
History & Policy continues its work with the Home Office to deliver policy-relevant seminars. H&P historians present their research to provide long-term perspectives on current policies and debates of interest to the Home Office.
This series explored some of the most significant and protracted treaty negotiations of the twentieth century, and particularly HM Treasury's role and approach.
History & Policy continues its work with the Home Office to deliver policy-relevant seminars. H&P historians present their research to provide long-term perspectives on current policies and debates of interest to the Home Office.
This series explored the history of scientific and technological innovation and research in Britain, and its impact on economic growth. Dr Duncan Needham, Director of the Centre for Financial History at the University of Cambridge, convened the series in collaboration with Rachel King, Head of Budget Project Management and Presentation at HMT.
Historians and policy makers met with former Head of the Home Civil Service Lord Kerslake to discuss the future of devolution, following the publication of the recently published Inquiry report Devolution and the Union: a higher ambition.
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H&P is based at the Institute of Historical Research, Senate House, University of London.
We are the only project in the UK providing access to an international network of more than 500 historians with a broad range of expertise. H&P offers a range of resources for historians, policy makers and journalists.