Policy Papers

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Surveillance, privacy and history

With the new Penny Post and Telegraph technology, the nineteenth century experienced a transformation in mass communications - and invented a problem that the early twenty-first century is struggling to resolve, as highlighted by the Edward Snowden revelations, according to Professor David Vincent, of the Open University.

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Addressing food poverty in Ireland: historical perspectives

Debates about nutritional health in nineteenth and early twentieth century Ireland, a period of severe economic decline and poverty, offers food for thought for today's policy makers, argues Dr Ian Miller, of the University of Ulster.

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Governments and 'soft power' in international affairs: Britain and the boycott of the 1980 Moscow Olympics

In 1980 an Olympic boycott offered a viable means of 'fighting' the Cold War but as Dr Paul Corthorn, of Queen's University Belfast, explains, this attempt at using 'soft power' failed because of mishandling by the Thatcher Government.

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Curbing Labour's totalitarian temptation: European human rights law as a Conservative political project

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Exit strategies in counter-insurgency: Britain in Aden and the lessons for Afghanistan

British forces' hurried and humiliating exit from Aden in 1967 shows the dangers of a highly politicised and hasty withdrawal from a complex counter-insurgency campaign, according to a new policy paper by Andrew Mumford, of Nottingham University. His analysis of British military operations in Aden during the 1962-67 civil war in South Arabia (modern-day Yemen) offers vital lessons for military and political leaders planning British forces' departure from Afghanistan.

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Development policy and history: lessons from the Green Revolution

International donor agencies and governments have turned a blind eye to evidence of successful state-funded assistance for peasant farmers - for example in Japan and Central Europe around 1900 - which could provide models for boosting smallholder agriculture in the global South today, according to Jonathan Harwood, of Manchester University, in a new History & Policy paper.

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Choice, policy and practice in maternity care since 1948

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Liberal-Conservative Coalitions - ‘a farce and a fraud’?

In 1886 Liberal Unionist Lord Derby said coalition governments 'were always unpopular and seldom lasted long.' On the eve of the third anniversary of the current Coalition Government, Ian Cawood, of Newman University, assesses the performance, politics and popularity of the six previous coalition governments in the last 120 years - and the implications for relations between the parties in coalition today.

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Seventy years and counting: the unsolved problem of press regulation

The Leveson Inquiry was the seventh government-commissioned inquiry into press regulation in the last seventy years. In a new policy paper, Tom O'Malley, Professor of Media at Aberystwyth University, predicts an eighth. He explores the long history of policy failure in this area, and critiques the polarised debate over 'State censorship versus free speech'.

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Britain’s ‘9/11 Wars’ in historical perspective: why change and continuity matter

Britain's involvement in the '9/11 Wars' has transformed the security landscape but history shows that 'new' adversaries are not that novel and share similarities with more familiar terrorist threats. Dr Aaron Edwards, of the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, argues that a strategic analysis of the history of Irish republican terrorism, Al Qaeda affiliates and Britain's response to such adversaries, offers important insights for decision makers today.

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