Opinion Articles

H&P encourages historians to use their expertise to shed light on issues of the day. If you are interested in submitting an opinion piece for publication, please see our editorial guidelines. We currently have 335 Opinion Articles listed by date and they are all freely searchable by theme, author or keyword.

STEM subjects and the ‘market’ in education since the 1960s

Governments since the 1960s have tried to steer students towards the 'correct' educational choices to meet perceived national needs. Should they not just wait out the current trends?, asks Peter Mandler.

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“The City of Steel”: Port Talbot’s Steel Industry, from ‘Treasure Island’ to Crisis

As the Tata Steel controversy continues, Bleddyn Penny looks at the historic role the steel industry has played in shaping Port Talbot's community. 

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‘Just a chap who messed about in the lab’: Fred Sanger and DNA sequencing

Fred Sanger won two Nobel Prizes. Dr Lara Marks argues that the freedom to think and time to experiment were vital to his groundbreaking discoveries. In today's hypercharged academic worlds, such opportunities are increasingly rare. 

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Overlooked scientific innovation reaps rewards 40 years on

Dr Lara Marks recounts an overlooked scientific development that has revolutionised healthcare today. The story of monoclonal antibodies underlines the long-term value of government investment in science, she argues.

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Liberal manoeuvring in the real green economy

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A return to Victorian levels of railway building?

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Broadband Terrorism: A new face of fascism

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