Opinion Articles

H&P encourages historians to use their expertise to shed light on issues of the day. If you are interested in submitting an opinion piece for publication, please see our editorial guidelines. We currently have 335 Opinion Articles listed by date and they are all freely searchable by theme, author or keyword.

The 2019 Election and the Media – a different kind of campaign

The December 2019 general election campaign has been like no other - partly due to the lack of scrutiny.

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Social democracy, Europe and the 2019 general election

Next week's election could be a turning point in the history of post-war social democracy, says Adrian Williamson.

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Does the Civil War really have anything to do with Brexit?

Most states have a clear "moment of creation" for their constitutions. Michael Braddick shows that the UK is the exception - and that this is key to understanding current debate.

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Boris Johnson, Brexit and electoral blowback: the perils of a late year general election

Clifford Williamson looks at the history of autumn-winter general elections, and finds they are not generally auspicious for incumbent governments.

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Repatriating histories: a call for global policies on the return of human remains

Human remains were unlawfully gathered from across the world in the age of colonialism - Jeremiah J Garsha argues that museums now need to adopt policies to assist Indigenous attempts to bring their people home.

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Why did only some women get the vote in 1918, and what happened next?

Pat Thane on the decade of campaigning between the two Representation of the People Acts (1918 and 1928) which finally gave the vote to all adult women.

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Historians are citizens, but their expertise is even more important

Glen O'Hara calls for a new approach to Brexit from historians - personal politics should be put aside if expertise is to win through.

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100 years of suffrage

Lucy Delap and Ben Griffin reflect on the "stepping stone" nature of the 1918 Act, which came into force 100 years ago today and extended the franchise to some women.

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The 2017 General Election in history

As the dust settles on the outcome of the 2017 General Election, Martin Farr looks at other key moments of electoral uncertainty and uneasy coalition.

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‘Leading the world?’ The historical fantasy of May’s vision for post-Brexit Britain

Matthew Grant assesses Theresa May's Philadelphia speech - what does it show us about her inadequate grasp of the history of British international affairs?

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