Opinion Articles

H&P encourages historians to use their expertise to shed light on issues of the day. If you are interested in submitting an opinion piece for publication, please see our editorial guidelines. We currently have 335 Opinion Articles listed by date and they are all freely searchable by theme, author or keyword.

STEM subjects and the ‘market’ in education since the 1960s

Governments since the 1960s have tried to steer students towards the 'correct' educational choices to meet perceived national needs. Should they not just wait out the current trends?, asks Peter Mandler.

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School meals and child welfare in times of crisis: the past and future of welfare policy

Marcus Rashford's intervention prompted a government u-turn on providing free school meals over the summer – Bernard Harris explores how previous crisis moments have led to the expansion of the school meal programme, and of welfare more generally.

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Great Expectations: The role of education in penal reform

Will better education in prisons prevent reoffending? Rosalind Crone looks back to Victorian prison education experiments that are still influential today.

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A Policy Widely Abused: The Origins of the “No Platform” Policy of the National Union of Students

Dr Evan Smith examines the history of the use - and misuse - of the "No Platform" policy

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Mr Gove’s new history curriculum: top marks or could do better?

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Back to the past for the school history curriculum?

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Should we thank Mr Gove for giving us more history?

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The Browne Review: more questions than answers

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Are school standards slipping?

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Can compulsion work? What history has to say about raising the school leaving age

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