H&P encourages historians to use their expertise to shed light on issues of the day. If you are interested in submitting an opinion piece for publication, please see our editorial guidelines. We currently have 342 Opinion Articles listed by date and they are all freely searchable by theme, author or keyword.
Stephanie Cronin revisits her earlier policy paper and asks what progress has been made with Afghanistan's armed forces?
Ann Lyon places General Sir Michael Rose's recent comments on the EU referendum in a historical context.
Football fans across the United Kingdom are becoming increasingly vocal about rising ticket prices. Martin Johnes & Matthew Taylor offer a historical perspective.
As the junior doctors’ strike continues, Jack Saunders takes a historical look at how the current industrial dispute may be resolved.
Dr Angela Davis examines funding for childcare in previous times of austerity and draws historical lessons for the Childcare Bill 2015-16
Sexual politics has a long history in the Anglican Communion. Tim Jones doubts that today's divides over marriage equality will lead to the final break up.
On International Anti-Corruption Day (9th December), André Vitória & Ronald Kroeze show how history can be used in the modern day fight against corruption.
Government cost-cutting measures propose merging police forces and fire and rescue services. Shane Ewen looks at the historical record of such experiments.
Critics claim General Sir Nicholas Houghton's recent comments on Corbyn's nuclear policy breached a constitutional convention. Ann Lyon explores whether or not such an accusation has any basis in constitutional law.
Despite the fact that the male suicide rate is now more than three times higher than the female rate, precious little has been done to tackle the stigma amongst men of discussing mental health issues. Dr. Ali Hagget asks why.
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