Opinion Articles

H&P encourages historians to use their expertise to shed light on issues of the day. If you are interested in submitting an opinion piece for publication, please see our editorial guidelines. We currently have 338 Opinion Articles listed by date and they are all freely searchable by theme, author or keyword.

Childcare funding in times of Austerity: Historical lessons for the Childcare Bill 2015-2016

Dr Angela Davis examines funding for childcare in previous times of austerity and draws historical lessons for the Childcare Bill 2015-16

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Sexual Politics in the Evolution of Anglican Governance

Sexual politics has a long history in the Anglican Communion. Tim Jones doubts that today's divides over marriage equality will lead to the final break up.

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How history can help us think about corruption and anticorruption

On International Anti-Corruption Day (9th December), André Vitória & Ronald Kroeze show how history can be used in the modern day fight against corruption.  

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Merging emergency services: is the Government wielding the axe on Britain’s fire and rescue service?

Government cost-cutting measures propose merging police forces and fire and rescue services. Shane Ewen looks at the historical record of such experiments.

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The General and the Leader of the Opposition: Corbyn and constitutional convention

Critics claim  General Sir Nicholas Houghton's recent comments on Corbyn's nuclear policy breached a constitutional convention. Ann Lyon explores whether or not such an accusation has any basis in constitutional law. 

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Men, mental health and suicide in the UK: The importance of the long view

Despite the fact that the male suicide rate is now more than three times higher than the female rate, precious little has been done to tackle the stigma amongst men of discussing mental health issues. Dr. Ali Hagget asks why. 

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Councils and Synods: Reforming the Catholic Church in the digital age

Dr. Alana Harris looks at the developments of the recent Synod of the Family and shows how the institution can revitalise itself to make it relevant for the Digital Age.

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The Shadow Cabinet

Jeremy Corbyn's Shadow Cabinet choices have proved controversial. Martin Farr traces the changeable history of the Shadow Cabinet, and assesses Corbyn's political room to maneouvre.

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Slow progress towards the vote for Saudi women

The gradual spread of representative democracy for men and women in Arabian and Gulf countries is not unusual or characteristic only of Muslim societies, according to Jad Adams who compares and contrasts Saudi Arabia and the UK's enfranchisement of men and women. 

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‘Just a chap who messed about in the lab’: Fred Sanger and DNA sequencing

Fred Sanger won two Nobel Prizes. Dr Lara Marks argues that the freedom to think and time to experiment were vital to his groundbreaking discoveries. In today's hypercharged academic worlds, such opportunities are increasingly rare. 

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