Opinion Articles

H&P encourages historians to use their expertise to shed light on issues of the day. If you are interested in submitting an opinion piece for publication, please see our editorial guidelines. We currently have 338 Opinion Articles listed by date and they are all freely searchable by theme, author or keyword.

“Unelected” Prime Ministers

Will Theresa May be weakened by becoming Prime Minister without an election? Dr Andrew Blick looks at the historical precedents.

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Brexit, the Commonwealth and the problem of imperial nostalgia - a response

N. C. Fleming responds to Evan Smith and Stephen Gray's recent opinion piece and argues that the Brexiteers deployed nostalgia more out of political expediency than conviction

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The integration of Muslims in Britain - a historical perspective

Professor Philip Wood looks at early Muslim traditions and the implications for integration of Muslims in Britain today

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The EU Referendum result in historical perspective: the need for reform of Westminster

Professor Simon Szreter looks at the EU referendum in the context of our voting system and its historical trends

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Cornwall, Authenticity and the Dark Ages: Controversy at Tintagel Castle

Tehmina Goskar calls for a truer interpretation of history at the Tintagel Castle site. 

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In Memoriam Jo Cox 1974-2016: attending to the well of public discourse

Professor Simon Szreter, Managing Editor History & Policy reflects on the life of Jo Cox and the democratic principles of freedom of speech.

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Brexit, imperial nostalgia and the “white man’s world”

The Brexiteer's call of closer trade ties with the Commonwealth are not new. Evan Smith and Steven Gray explore the history. 

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Rugby: Injury, Risk, Public Debate and History

Drawing on original archival research, Saracens F.C. club historians Colin Veitch and Tom Weir add a historical perspective to contemporary debates on injury risk in rugby.

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The Dutch 2016 Referendum: Voice, No Exit

Looking at the recent history of the Dutch EU-Ukraine referendum, Prof. Joop van Holsteyn & Tom Louwerse suggest how British voters are likely to interpret the forthcoming EU referendum. 

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Too big to use? Government surveillance and big data in the eleventh and twenty-first centuries

Kings PhD student Lois Lane offers the historic reactions to the Little Domesday Book as a parable to today's Investigatory Powers Bill.  

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