Opinion Articles

H&P encourages historians to use their expertise to shed light on issues of the day. If you are interested in submitting an opinion piece for publication, please see our editorial guidelines. We currently have 338 Opinion Articles listed by date and they are all freely searchable by theme, author or keyword.

Lessons from the Grenfell Tower disaster: the historic failures of the state in fire safety

The role of the state in fire safety is not a settled matter - Shane Ewen shows how improved fire safety has tended to follow a preventable disaster in the past, so the lessons for policy makers, following a recent period of deregulation, should be clear.

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The Grenfell fire and the destruction of the British council estate

Sam Wetherell shows how the original unified vision of council estate architects was picked apart by housing legislation in the 1980s and 1990s, resulting in the patchwork of managing bodies we see today.

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The Blitz can show us how to respond to a tragedy

Henry Irving shows that government was willing to learn lessons in 1940 about its own unprepared response to destruction and homelessness - can the government of today learn the same lessons when responding to tragedy?

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Prince Harry and the history of mental health stigma policy

Chris Millard traces the history of policy designed to tackle stigma, contextualising both "celebrity" action and the mooted scrapping of the Mental Health Act 1983.

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What does British imperial economic history tell us about the future of UK-EU trading relations?

David Clayton lays out the options for Britain’s post-Brexit trading relations, and assesses the preferred option in the light of imperial economic history in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

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Brexit and the case for a naval policy renaissance

Duncan Redford argues that Brexit is unlikely to lead to a resurgence of public support for increased naval power - the history of similar attempts to engage the public on this issue is not encouraging for the pro-naval lobby.

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Women Against State Pension Inequality: a distraction from deeper problems

The campaign group Women Against State Pension Inequality argue that discrimination against a generation of women has taken place. Hugh Pemberton suggests this may be a distraction from the deeper and broader problems with the pension system.

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GCHQ - a new authorised history

The first official history of GCHQ - Britain's most secretive secret service - will be published in 2019. Dan Lomas and Chris Murphy examine the context for the decision and the consequences for historiography.

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Why haven’t we had a female Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police before now?

Louise Jackson places Cressida Dick's recent appointment in the context of the history of women policing over the last hundred years.

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The President’s speech

Nigel Fletcher shows that this is not the first time a US President's proposed visit to the UK has become deeply controversial

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