Opinion Articles

H&P encourages historians to use their expertise to shed light on issues of the day. If you are interested in submitting an opinion piece for publication, please see our editorial guidelines. We currently have 338 Opinion Articles listed by date and they are all freely searchable by theme, author or keyword.

Historians are citizens, but their expertise is even more important

Glen O'Hara calls for a new approach to Brexit from historians - personal politics should be put aside if expertise is to win through.

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100 years of suffrage

Lucy Delap and Ben Griffin reflect on the "stepping stone" nature of the 1918 Act, which came into force 100 years ago today and extended the franchise to some women.

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Wars on waste, then and now

Henry Irving finds a precedent for today's proposed measures against plastic waste in Second World War recycling and salvage - but will the public respond today with the same willingness?

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Lost files, history thieves and contemporary British history

Daniel Lomas sets the recent loss of historical papers by the government in context - cock-up or conspiracy?

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Open diplomacy? New embassies and old on the Thames

As the new US embassy is unveiled in London, Carl Bridge and Eileen Chanin look at a historical example of a truly "open" embassy building.

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Are employment rates of disabled people “at the highest level since records began”?

Lucy Delap shows that the history of disabled employment may not be the steady upward progression the government would like to suggest

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Brexit and the great British breakfast

James P. Bowen and John Martin identify the agricultural sector's challenges - seasonal fruit-pickers are the best publicised part of the problem, but the permanent workforce will be affected too.

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Britain’s hundred-year housing crisis: a century of uneven spending

Peter Shapely shows how housing policy initiatives since 1919 have been sunk by the same problem of investment disappearing in lean periods, and suggests housing should be a basic constant spending priority alongside health.

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The 2017 General Election in history

As the dust settles on the outcome of the 2017 General Election, Martin Farr looks at other key moments of electoral uncertainty and uneasy coalition.

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After Grenfell, what can we learn from the housing policies of the 1970s?

David Ellis suggests the 30-year-old consensus on what makes for politically acceptable housing policy may be breaking down in the way of the Grenfell disaster - opening the door to policies last employed in the 1970s.

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