Opinion Articles

H&P encourages historians to use their expertise to shed light on issues of the day. If you are interested in submitting an opinion piece for publication, please see our editorial guidelines. We currently have 335 Opinion Articles listed by date and they are all freely searchable by theme, author or keyword.

Hillsborough, Police complaints and accountability

Why did the Hillsborough families have to fight so hard for justice? Chris A. Williams reviews the history of policing and accountability.

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“United in Diversity”? - A view from Greenland

Prof. Jens Wendel-Hansen looks back at Greenland's decision to leave the EEC and asks what lessons can be drawn for Britain's future in the European Union. 

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Referendums Ancient and Modern

Ahead of the 2016 EU Referendum, Paul Cartledge offers a potted history of referendums throughout the ages. 

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The Conservative Right, Europe and Anti-Americanism

Recent criticisms of Barack Obama's comments on the EU referendum should be viewed in the wider history of Anti-Americanism within the Conservative party, argues N.C. Fleming.

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An Illegitimate Archbishop

Ann Lyon explores the historical implications of the recent revelations regarding Archbishop Justin Welby's paternity. 

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History & Defence: Need for long-term reflection at a time of great change

Linda Risso laments the lack of historians engaging in defence policy issues. 

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“The City of Steel”: Port Talbot’s Steel Industry, from ‘Treasure Island’ to Crisis

As the Tata Steel controversy continues, Bleddyn Penny looks at the historic role the steel industry has played in shaping Port Talbot's community. 

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Only out to save themselves? Charity regulation in historical perspective

Sarah Roddy, Julie-Marie Strange & Bertrand Taithe suggest that recent controversies surrounding charitable fundraising may have their historical precedents in Victorian and Edwardian England. 

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Sunday Blues: Conservatives, Religion and Party Identity

N. C. Fleming argues that the recent Conservative backbench revolt on Sunday Trading Laws is indicative of the party's historic identification with Christianity.

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Britain and Europe: An Uneasy History?

Prof. Robert Tombs offers an historical explanation of Britain's uneasy relationship with European integration. 

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