Opinion Articles

H&P encourages historians to use their expertise to shed light on issues of the day. If you are interested in submitting an opinion piece for publication, please see our editorial guidelines. We currently have 342 Opinion Articles listed by date and they are all freely searchable by theme, author or keyword.

The debate on assisted dying: history tells us to put equity at the centre of decision-making

Laura King, Julie-Marie Strange
February 2025

The debate around the Termanlly Ill Adults (End of Life) Bill, which has provoked strong reactions both for and against assisted dying, is complicated by the deep health equalities in the UK and the lack of sufficient funding for good palliative and hospice care. The authors of this opinion article argue that the Bill demands we think about what these inequalities mean for society's search for a better kind of end to life.

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Smoking and Vaping in Historical Perspective

Michael Reeve
February 2025

Dr Michael Reeve argues that historical perspectives on the perceived benefits of smoking can help us understand why people continue to consume tobacco and nicotine products in the face of overwhelming evidence about their harmful effects. 

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Syria: A Troubled Past and an Uncertain Future

Roger Higginson
December 2024

The news about Syria is understandably dominated by by popular euphoria at the sudden overthrow of the brutal Assad regime. But as Roger Higginson reminds us, the inheritance of the country's new leaders is a daunting one and much will depend on regional and international factors beyond their control. 

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Executive power and judicial challenge in the USA: how the Supreme Court’s recent historic rulings restraining Biden’s Presidency may now become a restriction on Trump

Richard J Lazarus
December 2024

Both progressives and conservatives might identify short-term opportunities in two recent rulings by the US Supreme Court. While their effect was to restrain the Biden presidency, they could equally be invoked in the future in opposition to Trump. But as Richard J Lazarus argues, the rulings themselves risk depriving the executive branch of government of the authority it needs.

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The Next judgment: a landmark in the history of equal pay?

Lorenzo Castellani
November 2024

Despite the approach of the 55th anniversary of the 1970 Equal Pay Act and the 15th of the 2010 Equality Act, the recent employment tribunal ruling in favour of female workers at Next points to the continuing difficulty workers face in proving unfair treatment, particularly those in the commercial sectors. And more broadly, argues Susan Milner, society still needs properly to address the question of why women’s work has been devalued for so long.

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Policy and attitudes: historical roots of the stigmatisation of children in care today

Lorenzo Castellani
November 2024

The government’s new Children’s Wellbeing Bill, announced in the King’s Speech, represents a welcome move to improve child protection. But Annie Skinner argues that the measures proposed do not address the long-standing issue of the stigmitisation of children in care.

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AI and the ‘spooky stuff’: a future history of the human

Catherine Clarke
November 2024

As policy-makers and scientists gather in San Francisco for the AI Action Summit, historians are well placed to help us imagine the more counter-intuitive or unexpected consequences of a future living with advanced AI. What’s the ‘spooky stuff’ that some believe sets us apart from machines? And how could that lead to a new ‘religious turn’ in our communities and public life?

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Trump 2.0 and the US-UK Special Relationship: A Role still for History and Memory in the Diplomatic Strategy?

Sam Edwards, Loughborough University
November 2024

How should the government of Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer approach US-UK relations in the light of the recent electoral victory of Donald Trump? Dr Sam Edwards argues that despite the president-elect’s famously ‘transactional’ nature, British diplomats might still find the ceremony and ritual of ‘memory diplomacy’ useful. He also outlines a potential long term diplomatic strategy for the UK government based on the continued importance to the US military of British real estate, a careful diplomatic pivot to Europe, and keen attention to the likely future leadership of the Republicans.

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The Next judgment: a landmark in the history of equal pay?

Susan Milner
September 2024

Despite the approach of the 55th anniversary of the 1970 Equal Pay Act and the 15th of the 2010 Equality Act, the recent employment tribunal ruling in favour of female workers at Next points to the continuing difficulty workers face in proving unfair treatment, particularly those in the commercial sectors. And more broadly, argues Susan Milner, society still needs properly to address the question of why women's work has been devalued for so long.

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Policy and attitudes: historical roots of the stigmatisation of children in care today

Annie Skinner
July 2024

The government's new Children's Wellbeing Bill, announced in the King's Speech, represents a welcome move to improve child protection. But Annie Skinner argues that the measures proposed do not address the long-standing issue of the stigmitisation of children in care.

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