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Simon Szreter’s team presents keynote at DWP Economists Conference

H&P co-founder Professor Simon Szreter spoke at the Department for Work and Pensions conference on 5 October on the subject of "Incentivising an Ethical Economics".

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H&P historians: the Blitz spirit and coping with Covid

The H&P roundtable organised by Dr Henry Irving (Leeds Beckett) to explore possible WW2 lessons for the Covid response appears in an On London analysis piece

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Historians call for a review of the Home Office Citizenship and Settlement Test

H&P committee members are among the signatories to the letter which cites "demonstrably false" historical material in the handbook to the test

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The struggle against corruption in public life in modern Britain

The now Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer, Anneliese Dodds MP, was a panellist at a major international conference on corruption supported by History & Policy in January 2019.

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Roundtable 25 March 2020 - Coronavirus and the real lessons of the Second World War

A group of historians of the Second World War meet online to discuss what today's government could learn about emergency response - edited highlights.

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H&P director writes in the Law Gazette on the Coronavirus Act 2020

The co-authored piece comments on the lack of safeguards in the new legislation, compared to the Civil Contingencies Act 2004.

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Andrew Blick interviewed on the suspension of Parliament and the Supreme Court

Dr Andrew Blick interviewed on Sky News
PHOTO: Dr Andrew Blick interviewed on Sky News

History & Policy Director Dr Andrew Blick interviewed on Sky News and in the Daily Express about the suspension of Parliament and the Supreme Court case.

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Director of History & Policy appears on French national television

History & Policy Director Dr Andrew Blick
PHOTO: History & Policy Director Dr Andrew Blick

History & Policy Director Dr Andrew Blick, recenly gave an interview to the French national television channel France 2 on the Queen and Brexit.

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The “ethical economics” that fuelled the postwar boom and the Industrial Revolution

Read a summary of the IPPR Economics Prize 2019 joint winning entry

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H&P co-founder Simon Szreter’s team has jointly won the IPPR Economics Prize 2019


H&P co-founder Simon Szreter part of prize-winning team with a radical plan rooted in history

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Andrew Blick talks with RTV on the Conservative leadership contest


H&P's director Dr Andrew Blick Talks about the Conservative leadership contest in an interview with RTV of Slovakia.

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Dr Andrew Blick’s evidence on autocracies to Foreign Affairs Committee

The Committee was seeking evidence on UK foreign-policy relationships with autocracies - and the history of the development of democracy in the UK itself is key.

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H&P Director Dr Andrew Blick - BBC 5 Live

BBC 5 Live Breakfast
PHOTO: BBC 5 Live Breakfast

H&P director Andrew Blick appeared on BBC 5 Live Breakfast at 6.35am this morning to give his analysis on the Brexit negotiations and Labour's shift in position.

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Dr Andrew Blick - Phoenix TV

Dr. Andrew Blick appeared on the Chinese television channel Phoenix TV to give an interview on Brexit and the independent group.

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H&P is based at the Institute of Historical Research, Senate House, University of London.

We are the only project in the UK providing access to an international network of more than 500 historians with a broad range of expertise. H&P offers a range of resources for historians, policy makers and journalists.

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