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Dame Judith Hackitt reflects on forthcoming H&P conference

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On Monday 25 November, the History & Policy Trades Union and Employment Forum will be hosting a conference entitled ‘Health & Safety At Work Act - 50 Years On Still fit for purpose?’ See here for details of the conference and registration.

One of our keynote speakers will be Dame Judith Hackitt, who was Chair of the Health & Safety Executive from 2007 to 2016 and is currently Interim Chair of the Office for Nuclear Regulation. Below, Dame Judith reflects on the importance of the conference and previews some of her remarks:


I am looking forward to speaking at the event on 25th November to mark the 50th anniversary of the Health and Safety at Work Act. The key question I have been asked to address is whether or not the Act remains fit for purpose? My answer to that is a resounding “Yes”.

I intend to back up my arguments by talking about:

*         The progress we’ve made in reducing harm in the workplace;

*         How industry has changed and how the application of the legislation has been able to evolve in sync with that;

*         The undoubted strength of outcomes-based regulation versus prescription in driving continuous improvement, placing responsibility in the right place and enabling innovation - why some have recently challenged ALARP [the concept of 'as low as reasonably practicable' in risk management] and what we need to do to address this;

*         The continued challenge to raise the profile of health alongside safety. We should never take it for granted that the system we have created will continue to be effective without some change or adjustment. Workplaces have changed and the risks to employees and the public have changed too. However, continuing to build on what we have makes total sense. Our system of health and safety legislation delivers world class performance. We can be very proud of what we have and of the many harms that have been prevented and at the same time we must remain alert to ways in which we can improve it so that it continues to be fit for purpose now and in the future.


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