Rethinking Trade Union Education: The Curriculum

This seminar will look at what content should be covered by Trade Union Education, Unions have limited resources and need to choose. A broad range of subjects including e.g. Green issues or more on equalities – or a focus on the skills that Reps need? Should unions provide professional training for members or is that the job of employers? Should unions simply provide Learning in whatever subjects members want? How detailed and extensive should training be? Members with limited time may want a short one hour session on one topic but should such modules be assembled into a larger programme? How should unions build or borrow or share their learning resources? Should Reps be generic or be encouraged to develop specialisms in eg Health and Safety or Equalities? Should learning conform to external accreditation rules or should Unions develop their own standards? Different unions may have different answers to these questions but some argue for a Union wide consensus. 

Speakers include

  • Steve Craig, Unite 
  • Sarah Jameson, education policy officer, Trade Union Advisory Group to the OECD

ChairSarah Veale, former Head of Equality and Employment Rights, TUC 

IHR Seminar Series: History & Policy Trade Union Forum