Dr Louis Halewood and Dr Rory Hopcraft (both at Plymouth) talk to Alix Mortimer about their cross-disciplinary collaboration, fusing Louis’s work on international security, law and the development of institutions over the nineteenth and early twentieth century with Rory’s focus on the very twenty-first century concern of cyber security at sea. Finding an echo in seventeenth-century discussions of the “sea as a global commons” by Hugo Grotius and John Selden, their forthcoming Hindsight Perspectives report proposes the policy lens of the “maritime cyber commons”. The complex history of governance at sea, as well as the distributed nature of cyber vulnerabilities, suggest this is best seen as a distinct governance category which the International Maritime Organization and other governance and law-making bodies will have to grapple with as the challenges of the twenty-first century in maritime unfold.
See also:
Louis Halewood, ”Peace throughout the oceans and seas of the world’: British maritime strategic thought and world order, 1892-1919′, Historical Research 94:265 (2021), pp. 554-577