
The Foreign Office and British Foreign Policy

Speakers: Gaynor Johnson (University of Kent), Niaz Cary-Pernon (Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3 University) & Jolanta Mysiakowska (The Institute of National Remembrance, Warsaw, Poland)

IHR Seminar SeriesOfficial History: Past, Present and Future

  • The Foreign Office and Official History: historiography, methods and people (Gaynor Johnson)
  • Official histories of the Berlin Crisis, 1948-1949 in the UK: methodological traditions, ontological challenges (Niaz Cary-Pernon)
  • In the ruins of Old Europe: Official History, British foreign policy and Eastern Europe after the First World War (Jolanta Mysiakowska)

Reflections on Official History

Speakers: Thomas Otte (University of East Anglia) & Patrick Salmon (FCDO Chief Historian)

IHR Seminar SeriesOfficial History: Past, Present and Future

  • The Uses and Pitfalls of History: Some Reflections on Twentieth-Century British Official Histories (Thomas Otte)
  • Some Reflections on Official History: Past, Present and Future (Patrick Salmon)

International perspectives on Official History

Speakers: Rhys Crawley (University of New South Wales, Canberra) & Azarja Harmanny (Netherlands Institute of Military History)

IHR Seminar SeriesOfficial History: Past, Present and Future

  • Official History in Australia (Dr Rhys Crawley, University of New South Wales, Canberra)
  • The Dutch tradition in official (or semi-official) history (Azarja Harmanny, Netherlands Institute of Military History) 

The Admiralty and writing the History of the Royal Navy

Speakers: Matthew Seligmann (Brunel University London) and Ed Hampshire (Naval Historical Branch)

  • Commissioning Official History versus Paying for Official History (Matthew Seligmann)
  • Official Histories and Staff Histories: the Royal Navy and history writing since 1939 (Ed Hampshire)
  • IHR Seminar SeriesOfficial History: Past, Present and Future

Memoirs and Official Histories

Speakers: Helen McCarthy (University of Cambridge) and Dennis Grube (University of Cambridge)

The Institutional Meets the Personal: Official Historians and the Memoirs of Public Servants

IHR Seminar SeriesOfficial History: Past, Present and Future


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