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H&P publishes high-quality historical research freely accessible online and creates opportunities for historians, policy makers and journalists to connect and learn from each other.

Welcome to History & Policy

H&P publishes high-quality historical research freely accessible online and creates opportunities for historians, policy makers and journalists to connect and learn from each other.

Welcome to History & Policy

H&P publishes high-quality historical research freely accessible online and creates opportunities for historians, policy makers and journalists to connect and learn from each other.

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Policy Papers

‘In All Our Footsteps’: access to the land in historical perspective

The government of Keir Starmer wants to enhance public access to the countryside. Previous Labour administrations have passed significant leglislation on this subject, and ministers and officials need to be aware of the lessons of these earlier initiatives. Glen O'Hara argues that these lessons from history include the importance of patience, story-telling, a sense of the local, an emphasis of positive rather than negative rights and the mobilisation of civic society. 

The Feeding of Schoolchildren by the State

The Labour Government's plans for breakfast clubs are just the latest stage in a history of the state feeding children at school which stretches back for over a century. Policy in this area has been prompted by a far wider range of motivations than simply an altruistic concern for children's health, and debates about state-intervention have inevitably become politicised. John Stewart points to the importance of viewing new initiatives within the context of broader policies designed to tackle the structural problem of child problem, one that has proved depressingly persistent.

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Opinion Articles

The debate on assisted dying: history tells us to put equity at the centre of decision-making

The debate around the Termanlly Ill Adults (End of Life) Bill, which has provoked strong reactions both for and against assisted dying, is complicated by the deep health equalities in the UK and the lack of sufficient funding for good palliative and hospice care. The authors of this opinion article argue that the Bill demands we think about what these inequalities mean for society's search for a better kind of end to life.

Smoking and Vaping in Historical Perspective

Dr Michael Reeve argues that historical perspectives on the perceived benefits of smoking can help us understand why people continue to consume tobacco and nicotine products in the face of overwhelming evidence about their harmful effects. 

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Dame Judith Hackitt reflects on forthcoming H&P conference

Dame Judith Hackitt, who chaired the Health & Safety Executive from 2007 to 2016, reflects on the conference History and Policy’s Trades Union and Employment Forum will be hosting on 25 November on the history of health and safety at work.

Colloquium in Honour of Simon Szreter

On Friday 7 June, St John’s College, Cambridge hosted a special colloquium entitled ‘Health and Wealth: debating demography, gender, politics, welfare and policy’ to mark the retirement of one of History & Policy’s co-founders, Professor Simon Szreter.

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